Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Hard water, styling products and your hair....

Ok so I admit it, I love to fix emily's hair ponytails, pigtails, braids, and it takes alot of product to hold all those lovely styles in place, plus the added benefit of having well water (bleck) and it takes its toll on her hair and mine.  I've been fighting dandruff and build up in our hair and finally found a product that works, so I had to share. here it is:
Seriously best product I've used to fight build up. You only use it once a week, I'll probably do it only when I see build up.  Anyway it works so well it left our hair silky soft and removed all the yuck plus it was only $4.65 at Target!! Well I had to wash Em's hair last night and it took significantly less shampoo than normal and her hair wasn't knotted at all, so this my friends is worth its weight in diamonds too me :)


  1. I don't have hard water, but I might buy it now :)

  2. I am soooooooooo going to try this Laura lol!
